Full papers
- James Marchant and Nathan Griffiths. Convention Emergence in Partially Observable Topologies
- Jieting Luo, John-Jules Meyer and Max Knobbout. Reasoning about Opportunistic Propensity in Multi-agent Systems
- João Paulo Aires and Felipe Meneguzzi. A Deep Learning Approach for Norm Conflict Identification
- Ramon Fraga Pereira, Nir Oren and Felipe Meneguzzi. A Plan Optimality Monitoring Approach to Detect Commitment Abandonment
- Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Sherlock Licorish, Manjula Devananda, Georgia Greenheld, Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum. Developers’ responses to app review feedback – A study of communication norms in app development
- Guilherme Krzisch and Felipe Meneguzzi. Planning in a Normative System
- Flavio S Correa Da Silva, Paul Chung, Marcelo Zuffo, Petros Papapanagiotou, David Robertson and Wamberto Vasconcelos. Hazard identification for coordinated UAVs based on soft institutions
- Pablo Noriega, Jordi Sabater-Mir, Harko Verhagen, Julian Padget and Mark d’Inverno. Identifying affordances for modelling second order emergent phenomena with the WIT framework